Every individual has a unique life journey.Through life of training, the memories engraved in brain are different from each other.This creative work uses Processing and Pure Data.It constructs a virtual landscape by processing real-time video and audio in order to remind everyone about the missing memories and its importance by awaking each brain.
本次演唱會豪華陣容: Kevin Drew-首領、全能 Brendan Canning-小老頭、全能、踢腿 Justin Peroff-鼓手 Andrew Whiteman-吉他手 Charles Spearin-才來過台灣沒多久的Do Make Say Think成員 Sam Goldberg-吉他手 Martin Kinack-淘氣的PA 這次還有…. Lisa Lobsinger-捲捲頭歌姬!! Robin Laananen-疑似小提琴手 Aaron Brody、David French-管樂系列